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发布时间:2019-11-10     作者:   分享到:

        报告题目:Energy Efficient Hybrid Beamforming for Multi-user Millimeter Wave Communication with Low-resolution A/D at Transceivers

报 告 人:赵楼 副教授



邀 请 人:汪勇 副教授

报告摘要:Millimeter wave (mmWave) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems with a large number of antennas are         power hungry when using conventional high-resolution analog-to-digital / digital-to-analog converters (A/Ds). To reduce the power consumption of        mmWave MIMO systems, existing studies have considered hybrid structures with a reduced number of high-resolution or low-resolution A/Ds at the  user side only. In this work, we propose and investigate a multi-user hybrid architecture with low-resolution A/Ds equipped at both the transmitter and the       receivers. To mitigate the impact of utilizing low-resolution A/Ds at both transceivers, we propose a novel data transmission scheme, which exploits a     weighted phased-array to synthesize the beamforming matrix in the analog domain so as to mitigate inter-user interference. Under the scheme proposed, we derive the achievable rate and the energy efficiency to establish guidelines on the optimal resolution choice of A/Ds for hybrid mmWave systems. For typical values of total transmit power at the BS, e.g., 30 dBm, the proposed scheme with 5~6-bit A/Ds can significantly improve the energy efficiency by as much as 100% over that of the conventional hybrid MIMO architecture with high-resolution A/Ds (10-bit A/Ds), without sacrificing significant data rate performance.

报告人简介:赵楼,男,杭州电子科技大学副教授,硕士生导师。于2007年获西北工业大学信息对抗工学学士学位,2010年获西北工业大学水声工程工学硕士学位,2018年获澳大利亚新南威尔士大学博士学位。2018年期间于澳大利亚新南威尔士大学任无线通信博士后研究员,2019年正式加入杭州电子科技大学通信工程学院。主要研究方向是混合构型毫米波通信系统、新型毫米波雷达通信一体化、大规模MIMO、以及水下阵列信号处理。目前,致力于以通信理论作为基础和重要手段,为面向5G的硬件受限的毫米波通信系统设计展开一系列基础性的网络建模与容量分析、新型传输方法研究与算法设计。长期工作是研发能用于演示的面向5G、无人机应急通信、V2X车联网通信的模数混合构型毫米波MIMO通信系统原理样机。2014年至今,先后参与了两项由澳大利亚研究理事会等资助的国际前沿项目,在大规模MIMO通信系统以及毫米波移动通信系统设计等方面取得了一系列创新性成果。目前主持一项浙江省自然科学基金面上项目(LY20F010012)。截至2019年3月,在领域内国际权威IEEE学术期刊和会议发表论文9篇(一作及通讯作者),其中SCI二区以上收录文章4篇,分别发表于无线通信权威期刊IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications与IEEE Transactions on Communications,并获得了2018年度IEEE ICC最佳论文奖。长期担任领域核心期刊(IEEE TWC, TCOM, JSAC, TVT,IEEE SJ,etc.)审稿人,多次受邀担任IEEE ICC、Globecom、WCNC,SPAWC,ICSPCS,VTC等无线通信旗舰会议的审稿人与IEEE WCSP的TPC member。获得2018年度国家优秀自费留学生奖学金。